Hard to believe it has been a week since these gorgeous little puppies came into this world! They are all doing well, packing on the weight, sleeping, and crawling about in the whelping box.
Puppy curricula started this week, day 2 of life! The two puppy curriculums we thoughtfully chose to help shape and mold the puppies are Avidog and Puppy Culture. Both are written by wise and experienced breeders and help guide us the short eight weeks we raise the rapidly developing puppies. Because of this, we have been stimulating their nervous systems with ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) each day as we place them in several different positions, place them on a cool, wet surface, and desensitize their paws with a q-tip. It is interesting to see each one react to the stimuli. This is what the University of Purdue Veterinary Medicine has to say about ENS:
"As is the case for rodents, it is believed that ENS may provide stimulation to the developing puppy’s endocrine system and cause him/her to develop more ability to deal with stressful events later in life. This may lead to better learning and an improved ability to cope with adversity."

We are thrilled with the coloring, markings, and lush coats these darling Australian Labradoodle puppies have and are looking forward to watching them develop over the next few weeks. Grow with them and follow us on social media!